January 28, 2017

Choice. Chance. Change.

We will host TEDxUniversityofMississippi 2017 on January 28, 2017 at the Gertrude C. Ford Center for Performing Arts, the premier performing arts center in North Mississippi, on the campus of The University of Mississippi.

The 30-person TEDxUniversityofMississippi Planning Committee selected 8 speakers, each of whom will speak between 12-18 minutes.

The event is emceed by Matthew R. Wilson. Mr. Wilson spoke at TEDxUM 2015.

Tickets can be purchased online at the Ole Miss Box Office website, via phone at 662.915.7411, or at the UM box Office at the Ford Center from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. Students and faculty may purchase discount tickets in person with a UM ID card.

Doors open at 12:00 noon.

12:15 Two pre-recorded TED talks

1:00 Live Program begins

Speakers listed in order of appearance:

Josh Mabus of The Mabus Agency (UM Alumn, Tupelo, MS). Mr. Mabus will discuss the difference between failing and quitting and how the difference affects how we judge ourselves.

Patrick Woodyard, co-founder of Nisolo (UM alum, Nashville, TN). Mr. Woodyard will discuss how consumers can get business to adopt measures consistent with their own values.

Dr. Joe Campbell (UM and UMMC alum, Hattiesburg, MS). Dr. Campbell will discuss innovative techniques to reduce suicide ideation.

Shannon Cohn (Oxford-based filmmaker). Mrs. Cohn will discuss a rarely mentioned, but hugely impactful disease affecting millions of women.

Dr. Susan Grayzel (UM faculty in Arch Dalrymple III Department of History). Dr. Grayzel will discuss how the government convinces us “Keep Calm and Carry On,” in effect becoming extra eyes and ears for the state.

Dr. Anne Quinney (UM faculty in the Department of Modern Languages) will discuss publisher and editor-induced censorship that has changed the meaning of many of our favorite pieces of literature.
Dr. Katherine Dooley (UM faculty in the Department of Physics and Astronomy) will discuss LIGO and how scientific discoveries are truly a team effort.

Rory Ledbetter (UM faculty in Ole Miss Theatre) will discuss how controlled breathing leads to better conversations and relationships.

We look forward to seeing you on January 28th!